Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008

20081228su0855, 18 minutes to Lucknow

20081227sa2000, one hour from Delhi

Tailwind: 90 km/h (62 mph)
Ground Speed: 1029 km/h (638 mph)
Altitude: 11277 m (37000 feet)
Outside Air Temperature: -52C (-61F)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

20081225th2200, going to bed

I've checked-in at the least expensive hotel around. At $80 a night,
it's less expensive than some hotels in Iowa City. Yet, it's probably
one of the nicest hotels I've ever stayed at. There are two phones in
the room - one by the bed and another by the desk. The appliances
appear to be brand new (refrigerator and microwave). The Internet
connection is an Ethernet cable that seems very fast. It's surprising
how everything is such high quality. There is a push button security
safe in the closet.

20081225th1954, landing in Minneapolis

20081225th1642, dinner, salad

20081225th1625, walking to airport terminal

Cedar Rapids

20081225th1549, riding in a Hybrid Toyota taxi to the airport

Black & Gold Cab is the only local taxicab company that uses hybrid

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

20081221su2033, home

20081221su1020, assisted chin (biceps) / dip (triceps)

20081221su1005, strength training

Leg extension / curls.

20081221su1000, elliptical workout complete

18 minutes, 245 calories burned.

20081221su0944, start 18 minute elliptical workout

Warmup prior to strength training.

20081221su0857, at my desk

20081221su0844, riding in a Hybrid Taxi Cab

Black and Gold Cab Company uses hybrid vehicles.

20081221su0810, home

The temperature is -21C/-6F and with 51 km/hr (32 mph) winds it feels
like -35C/-31F.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

20081218th2044, riding home

20081218th1050, strength training

20081218th1050, elliptical warmup complete

12 minutes, 170 calories burned.

20081218th1037, elliptical warmup

This is a shortened elliptical warmup of 12 minutes before strength

20081218th0835, at my desk

20081218th0710, cold morning

The temperature this morning is about -17C/1F not accounting for
windchill. I'm running 2 hours behind schedule, this morning which
will have me arriving at the gym by about 0830 instead of 0630, and
then back to my desk by 1000, if I stay on track.