Tuesday, December 2, 2008

20081202tu2032, home

20081202tu2020, arriving home

20081202tu2007, leaving the office

20081202tu1858, dinner at Wich Wich

20081202tu1305, returning to office

20081202tu1238, workout complete

Going to shower and then return to my office.

20081202tu1221, strength training

20081202tu1214, elliptical warmup/workout complete

20081202tu1202, elliptical warmup/workout

A 12 minute intense cardio before strength training. Normally this
would be 18 minutes. However, today is very busy. Even a short
exercise to warmup the muscles is beneficial.

20081202tu0814, riding to the city

20081202tu0725, cold Iowa Morning

It is -11 Celsius, 13 degrees Fahrenheit.